Families » Drop-Off | Pick-Up Procedures

Drop-Off | Pick-Up Procedures


AM Drop-Off


Use Lane 3 (far right) and drop off students in the bus lane on the north side of the building. Students will enter through the cafeteria door. Students are encouraged to eat breakfast before getting to their classroom or 1st hour.


Cars will use Lane 2 (middle) to drop off students. Take a left turn at the front of the building and pull up as far as possible to allow other vehicles to enter the curbside lane. Students should exit their vehicles on the right side to ensure a safe exit. For the safety of our students, parents are asked to be patient and not to pass other vehicles while they are in this lane.


Elementary Students dropped of at 7:40 a.m. (change as of October 30, 2023) may go directly to the cafeteria for breakfast or will wait in the entrance area until 7:45 a.m. when all students can then go to their classrooms.


The school day begins at 8:00 a.m. Busses will drop off between 7:20-7:30 a.m.


Students will remain in the cafeteria until 7:45 a.m.

Morning Drop Off Picture

Parent Walk-Up

As much as we would love to have parents stop by or drop in, please refrain from doing so without an appointment. This will ensure that our guests are promptly seen, and our front office and reception area will be kept to minimum capacity. There will be ample staff to welcome all students and assist them to their correct classes if needed. If you want to walk your student up to the building, we ask that you stop before entering the vestibule. Thank you for understanding.

Kindergarten Families

Kindergarten parents/guardians can walk their kindergartners to their classrooms. We ask that you limit your time in the building and plan to exit the building as soon as your student is dropped off outside their classroom.



PM Dismissal



Buses will pick up students on the East side (front) of the building.

Parent Pick-Up

Parents who choose to pick up their student(s) at the end of the day will need to park in the east side parking lot, get out of their vehicle, and wait outside the building until their student(s) exit the building and joins them. There will be a designated waiting area on the sidewalk east of the playground.


[KCS will be following the same curbside dismissal as last year.] 

Parents will enter KCS in Lane 3 (far right) and proceed to the North side of the building. Cars will continue to pull forward and need to remain single file. Student names will be announced inside the building.




Students exit the building from Door A and meet their vehicle on the curb. Staff will be on hand to assist and supervise students. Again, for the safety of our students, cars should NOT pass in this lane. Additionally, please be cautious of other cars exiting the parking lot.

Afternoon Pick Up Picture



It is important for the safety of our Kaleidoscope family to follow the procedures set in place. We hope that providing a well-designed plan, sharing it with families, and reinforcing the procedure will create a positive experience and a safe environment for everyone involved.